
Thursday, December 21, 2017

Monday, December 18, 2017

Dear Parents and Guardians,

On Wednesday, January 17, 2017, our class will be visiting Fort Calgary for an all day field trip. In order for us to go, we will require parent volunteers! If you have CBE clearance and would like to join us, please email me at at your earliest convenience. Fort Calgary requires us to maintain a 1-adult to 6-student ratio but are allowing us to bring additional adults – this means that we can take as many volunteers that wish to come!

Thank you for your continued support!

- The Grade Two Team

Winter Celebration Update!
Students have been working hard with Mrs. Buonomo and Mrs. Fraser in Creative Movement. Please check the table below to see when we are presenting - Tuesday December 19 at 8:30am. All parents and families are welcome to our assemblies during the last week of school for 2017! 

We have been learning about Random Acts of Kindness for the past couple of weeks. Students created Holiday Cards to share with people who are less fortunate. Mrs. Schrattner delivered these cards to the people at the Mustard Seed this past week. They really appreciated the Grade 2 students generosity and thoughtfulness!

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Share the Love!

Today in Math, students engaged in problem solving. We watched a short video: click HERE to watch.

We discussed what we noticed, what we think, and what we wonder about the video.

Students were given the task of figuring out how many M&M's each girl got. We very quickly realized, we need to figure out how many M&M's were in the bag! We each made an estimate. We know the bag is small and that it is the size of about two small hands. Here is our estimation process. Ask your child what we did.

The dad in the video told us there are 19 M&M's in the bag....students were asked...How many M&M's does each girl get? Please find your child's work below and have them explain their thinking.

We will continue to work on this tomorrow with the students.

Try it at home with some beans or grapes! How many ways and different combinations can you come up with! Share you work with us - email me a quick picture at

Dear Parents, 

Sorry for the confusion about the winter celebration week - it begins on Monday December 18 and will take place throughout the last week of school. I have added the dates below. 
  • Dec 18 - Festive day - wear your cultural clothing!
  • Dec 19 - Holiday Hat Day & our class is presenting our creative movement! Popcorn day
  • Dec 20 - Pajama (and one small stuffed animal) and Popcorn day
  • Dec 21 - Candy Cane Day - wear red & white!
  • Dec 21 - Last day of school for students - Early Dismissal - Report cards come home.
  • Jan 8 - Students return from winter break

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

A.M.A. (Ask Me About)
- Today we read You Get What You Get by Julie Gassman. What was the main idea of the book? What did we learn?
- How is my Creative Movement piece going? What is my favourite part? 
- How can I represent the number 48 using base ten blocks? Tally marks? Number words? Tens frames? Pictures? 

- We brainstormed other words for feeling hot or cold. What are some that I came up with?

Dec. 18 - Festive Day
Dec. 19 - Holiday Hay Day & Popcorn Day! We PRESENT our piece!!
Dec. 20 - Pajama Day & Popcorn Day
Dec. 21 - Candy Cane Day - Last Day of School for Students - Early Dismissal & Report                         Cards come home. 
Jan. 8, 2018 - Students return from Winter Break

Winter Celebration Update!
Students have been working hard with Mrs. Buonomo and Mrs. Fraser in Creative Movement. Please check the table below to see when we are presenting - Tuesday December 19 at 8:30am. All parents and families are welcome to our assemblies during the last week of school for 2017! 

Monday, December 11, 2017

Library Tomorrow! Mrs. Brock is asking for all library books to be returned for the Winter Break. She is asking for all books by Dec. 15th. 

A.M.A. (Ask Me About)
- What I have been practicing in my Literacy Group?
- What temperature does water freeze at? 
- What are the parts of a thermometer?

Dec. 18 - Festive Day
Dec. 19 - Holiday Hay Day & Popcorn Day! We PRESENT our piece!!
Dec. 20 - Pajama Day & Popcorn Day
Dec. 21 - Candy Cane Day - Last Day of School for Students - Early Dismissal & Report Cards come home. 
Jan. 8, 2018 - Students return from Winter Break

Winter Celebration Update!
Students have been working hard with Mrs. Buonomo and Mrs. Fraser in Creative Movement. Please check the table below to see when we are presenting - Tuesday December 19 at 8:30am. All parents and families are welcome to our assemblies during the last week of school for 2017! 

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

A.M.A. (Ask Me About)
- Our new wall story! How did we come up with ideas? How did I contribute to our story? What new words did I learn? (hint: vast, cattle, rumbling, harvesting)

- How do I show that I have met the Writing Criteria in my daily writing?

Winter Celebration Update!
Students have been working hard with Mrs. Buonomo and Mrs. Fraser in Creative Movement. Please check the table below to see when we are presenting - Tuesday December 19 at 8:30am. All parents and families are welcome to our assemblies during the last week of school for 2017! 

Dec. 6 - Retake Orders Due
Dec. 6 - Poinsettia Pick Up from 2:15 to 3:00pm
Dec. 7 - Pointsettia Pick Up from 7:45 to 8:15am and 2:15 to 3:00pm
Dec. 8 - PD Day - No School 
Dec. 18 - Festive Day
Dec. 19 - Holiday Hay Day & Popcorn Day! We PRESENT our piece!!
Dec. 20 - Pajama Day & Popcorn Day
Dec. 21 - Candy Cane Day - Last Day of School for Students - Early Dismissal & Report Cards come home. 
Jan. 8, 2018 - Students return from Winter Break

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

A.M.A. (Ask Me About)
- Students continued their learning about Hot and Cold today with Ms. Park. They learned about heating and safety practices when you are handling something that is hot. What are some ways to protect yourself when something is hot? 

- We have been working on place value in math. Click HERE to watch a video on place value. We played a game where we built numbers using ones and tens from Turtle Diary - click HERE to play that game! 

- We have also been playing a game called Guess My Number! Play this game at home to help learn more about numbers to 100. 

You will need: paper, pencil and a 100s chart
How to play the game: The first player must write down a number from 0-100 on the piece of paper - hide it from your partner because this is the number your partner has to guess. 
The partner needs to ask questions to see if they can guess the partners number. As you go, cross out numbers that you've eliminated because of the questions you've asked! 

Students shared some of the strategies/questions they used to ask their partner. 

- does your number have two digits or one digit?
- is your number odd/even?
- is your number bigger than ____?
- is your number smaller than _____?
- is there a ___ in the ones place?
- is there a ___ in the tens place?
- is your number the same in the ones and the tens place

Winter Celebration Update!
Students have been working hard with Mrs. Buonomo and Mrs. Fraser in Creative Movement. Please check the table below to see when we are presenting - Tuesday December 19 at 8:30am. All parents and families are welcome to our assemblies during the last week of school for 2017! 

Dec. 6 - Retake Orders Due
Dec. 6 - Poinsettia Pick Up from 2:15 to 3:00pm
Dec. 7 - Pointsettia Pick Up from 7:45 to 8:15am and 2:15 to 3:00pm
Dec. 8 - PD Day - No School 
Dec. 18 - Festive Day
Dec. 19 - Holiday Hay Day & we PRESENT!!
Dec. 20 - Pajama Day
Dec. 21 - Candy Cane Day - Last Day of School for Students - Early Dismissal & Report Cards come home. 
Jan. 8, 2018 - Students return from Winter Break

Monday, December 4, 2017

Library Tomorrow! 

A.M.A. (Ask Me About)
- How do I use a thermometer to take the temperature? 
- What was my writing goal today? 
- What are some characteristics of the prairies?
- How did I contribute to creating our collaborative art piece (see below)?

Dec. 6 - Retake Orders Due
Dec. 6 - Poinsettia Pick Up from 2:15 to 3:00pm
Dec. 7 - Pointsettia Pick Up from 7:45 to 8:15am and                            2:15 to 3:00pm
Dec. 8 - PD Day - No School 
Dec. 21 - Last Day of School for Students - Early Dismissal 
                                                               & Report Cards come home. 
                                                Jan. 8, 2018 - Students return from Winter Break