
Monday, December 18, 2017

Dear Parents and Guardians,

On Wednesday, January 17, 2017, our class will be visiting Fort Calgary for an all day field trip. In order for us to go, we will require parent volunteers! If you have CBE clearance and would like to join us, please email me at at your earliest convenience. Fort Calgary requires us to maintain a 1-adult to 6-student ratio but are allowing us to bring additional adults – this means that we can take as many volunteers that wish to come!

Thank you for your continued support!

- The Grade Two Team

Winter Celebration Update!
Students have been working hard with Mrs. Buonomo and Mrs. Fraser in Creative Movement. Please check the table below to see when we are presenting - Tuesday December 19 at 8:30am. All parents and families are welcome to our assemblies during the last week of school for 2017! 

We have been learning about Random Acts of Kindness for the past couple of weeks. Students created Holiday Cards to share with people who are less fortunate. Mrs. Schrattner delivered these cards to the people at the Mustard Seed this past week. They really appreciated the Grade 2 students generosity and thoughtfulness!