
Thursday, December 14, 2017

Share the Love!

Today in Math, students engaged in problem solving. We watched a short video: click HERE to watch.

We discussed what we noticed, what we think, and what we wonder about the video.

Students were given the task of figuring out how many M&M's each girl got. We very quickly realized, we need to figure out how many M&M's were in the bag! We each made an estimate. We know the bag is small and that it is the size of about two small hands. Here is our estimation process. Ask your child what we did.

The dad in the video told us there are 19 M&M's in the bag....students were asked...How many M&M's does each girl get? Please find your child's work below and have them explain their thinking.

We will continue to work on this tomorrow with the students.

Try it at home with some beans or grapes! How many ways and different combinations can you come up with! Share you work with us - email me a quick picture at

Dear Parents, 

Sorry for the confusion about the winter celebration week - it begins on Monday December 18 and will take place throughout the last week of school. I have added the dates below. 
  • Dec 18 - Festive day - wear your cultural clothing!
  • Dec 19 - Holiday Hat Day & our class is presenting our creative movement! Popcorn day
  • Dec 20 - Pajama (and one small stuffed animal) and Popcorn day
  • Dec 21 - Candy Cane Day - wear red & white!
  • Dec 21 - Last day of school for students - Early Dismissal - Report cards come home.
  • Jan 8 - Students return from winter break