
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

A.M.A. (Ask Me About)
- Today we read You Get What You Get by Julie Gassman. What was the main idea of the book? What did we learn?
- How is my Creative Movement piece going? What is my favourite part? 
- How can I represent the number 48 using base ten blocks? Tally marks? Number words? Tens frames? Pictures? 

- We brainstormed other words for feeling hot or cold. What are some that I came up with?

Dec. 18 - Festive Day
Dec. 19 - Holiday Hay Day & Popcorn Day! We PRESENT our piece!!
Dec. 20 - Pajama Day & Popcorn Day
Dec. 21 - Candy Cane Day - Last Day of School for Students - Early Dismissal & Report                         Cards come home. 
Jan. 8, 2018 - Students return from Winter Break

Winter Celebration Update!
Students have been working hard with Mrs. Buonomo and Mrs. Fraser in Creative Movement. Please check the table below to see when we are presenting - Tuesday December 19 at 8:30am. All parents and families are welcome to our assemblies during the last week of school for 2017!