
Monday, December 4, 2017

Library Tomorrow! 

A.M.A. (Ask Me About)
- How do I use a thermometer to take the temperature? 
- What was my writing goal today? 
- What are some characteristics of the prairies?
- How did I contribute to creating our collaborative art piece (see below)?

Dec. 6 - Retake Orders Due
Dec. 6 - Poinsettia Pick Up from 2:15 to 3:00pm
Dec. 7 - Pointsettia Pick Up from 7:45 to 8:15am and                            2:15 to 3:00pm
Dec. 8 - PD Day - No School 
Dec. 21 - Last Day of School for Students - Early Dismissal 
                                                               & Report Cards come home. 
                                                Jan. 8, 2018 - Students return from Winter Break