
Thursday, November 30, 2017

Click HERE to see our December Newsletter! 

A.M.A. (Ask Me About)
- How has the beginning of Creative Movement been going? What moves have I been learning and practicing?
- How can I use chunking when sounding out new words? 
- How can I complete these sentences: ______ is hotter than ______ AND ______ is colder than ________?

Nov. 30 - Book Orders due * to ensure they are here before the break
Dec. 1 - Movie Day
Dec. 6 - Retake Orders Due
Dec. 8 - PD Day

Don't forget to check the weather around our school for the day!! Click HERE to access the Kenneth D. Taylor Weather Link!

Monday, November 27, 2017

A.M.A. (Ask Me About)
- What did we start learning about in Science?
- What are my strengths in school? What am I working on in school?
- How do I show a number using tens and ones? 
- What is an example of a small problem? How can I react to a small problem?

Nov. 28 & 29 - Toonie Popcorn Day
Nov. 30 - Book Orders due * to ensure they are here before the break
Dec. 1 - Movie Day
Dec. 8 - PD Day

Friday, November 24, 2017

A.M.A. (Ask Me About)
Today was our first ever Flex Friday! Students had an opportunity to get to know and work with other teachers, students and spaces. In each group, teachers helped students with an art project - a Kandinsky inspired dot! These individual dots will all come together to make a collective art piece to be installed in the Embassy. 

Here are some of the dots from Mrs. Brar's and Mrs. Scherschel's group!

Nov. 28 & 29 - Toonie Popcorn Day
Dec. 1 - Movie Day
Dec. 8 - PD Day

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

A.M.A. (Ask Me About)
We have been working on re-telling the main events of the story and what we learned, if possible, from this book. With new library books coming home, please ask your child to re-tell the main events. 

We have also been learning about Medicine Wheels and how they connect to the land. Please ask your child what the 4 quadrants of the Medicine wheel represent? Hints to include are: What colour? What season? What stage of life? What direction?

Message from the Office
Hello Parents & Guardians,

Please disregard this message if it does not apply to you.  Your child will be bringing home an invoice for any outstanding school fees you may have.  These fees can be paid online using your MY CBE account.

Please feel free to contact the office if you have any questions.

  • Nov. 23 - Poinsettia Orders are due
  • Nov. 24 - Fun Lunch at 11:30
  • Nov. 28 & 29 - Toonie Popcorn Day
  • Dec. 1 - Movie Day
  • Dec. 8 - PD Day

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Wear a blue shirt on Monday for National Child Day

  • Nov 19 Last day to order Fun Lunch (please order on
  • Nov 20 Wear a blue shirt for Children's Day
  • Nov 23 Poinsettia orders due 
  • Please see the attached colour order forms.  Plant order 2017.pdf 
  • Nov 24 - Fun Lunch @ 11:30 - please only send a snack
  • Nov 28 & 29 - Toonie Popcorn Days 
  • Dec 1 - Movie Day
  • Dec 8 - PD Day no school for students

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Picture Retakes are taking place this Wednesday, November 15th. If you would like retakes, please email me at Only those who have requested retakes will get them, as the retake photo will replace the initial photo. 

A.M.A. (Ask Me About)
- We are working on counting forwards and backwards by different amounts on hundreds charts and number lines. We are also working on counting on. How can I count on from any number?
- We learned a game called Race to 100. How do I play Race to 100? 

See some of our work from Race to 100 below:

Click HERE to check out the Alberta At-A-Glance Mathematics for what students are working on in math :)

  • Nov 15 Picture Retake Day
  • Nov. 16 Scholastic Book Orders are Due
  • Nov 17 PD Day - No school
  • Nov 18 Christmas Market
  • Nov. 20 - National Child Day - Please wear blue for Child's Day
  • Nov. 23 - Poinsettia Orders are due
  • Nov. 24 Fun Lunch 11:30 (please order on
  • Nov. 28 & 29 Toonie Popcorn Day
  • Dec. 1 Movie Day
  • Dec. 8 PD Day

Monday, November 13, 2017

Thank you to parents who were able to attend our Grade 2 Remembrance Day Assembly. Students have worked so hard to prepare for the assembly and did brilliantly on Friday. To help us learn about the poem Flanders Field by John McCrae, we put it up as a wall story. A wall story is a high yield strategy from Miriam Trehearne, that is used to develop oral language and comprehension. Throughout our practices with reading the poem, we were able to learn a few new words such as 'scarce', 'amid', and 'quarrel'. (Please click on the words for definitions.) Try using these words in sentences at home! 

For those of you who may have missed the ceremony you can watch some parts of it here:

*A special request from Mrs. Buonomo: If you have the video of the students singing the peace song, could you please let me know through email (, as Mrs. Buonomo would like to watch it. 

Picture Retakes are taking place this Wednesday, November 15th. If you would like retakes, please email me at Only those who have requested retakes will get them, as the retake photo will replace the initial photo. 

  • Library Book Exchange is TOMORROW! 
  • Nov 15 Picture Retake Day
  • Nov. 16 Scholastic Book Orders are Due
  • Nov 17 PD Day - No school
  • Nov 18 Christmas Market
  • Nov. 20 - National Child Day - Please wear blue for Child's Day
  • Nov. 23 - Poinsettia Orders are due
  • Nov. 24 Fun Lunch 11:30 (please order on
  • Nov. 28 & 29 Toonie Popcorn Day
  • Dec. 1 Movie Day
  • Dec. 8 PD Day

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Assembly Reminder
Our class will be presenting at the Remembrance Day assembly TOMORROW! We are asking students to wear black, white, or grey for the ceremony. Students who are a part of clubs such as Beavers, Cubs and Brownies etc. are asked to wear their uniform. 

Our assembly begins promptly at 10:30 - if you are planning on attending, please aim to arrive any time after 10am.

At home tonight
1. Please practice this song with your child:
2. Please practice this poem with your child: HERE
3. If your child is an MC or reading the Acknowledgment of the Land, please practice tonight.

Thanks & see you tomorrow!!! :) 

  • Nov 10 Remembrance Day Ceremony 10:30 – 11:15 (Our class will be participating in this assembly)
  • Nov 15 Picture Retake Day
  • Nov 24 Fun Lunch 11:30 (please order on
  • Nov 16 Scholastic Book Orders are Due
  • Nov 17 PD Day - No school
  • Nov 18 Christmas Market
  • Nov 20 Wear a blue shirt for Children's Day
  • Nov 23 Poinsettia orders due

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

A.M.A. (Ask Me About)
Please continue to practice for the Remembrance Day Assembly. We are hoping that students will be able to recite the poem from memory. Please click HERE for a link to the poem. 

As we will be presenting at the Remembrance Day Assembly this Friday, we are asking students to wear black, white or grey for the ceremony. Students who are part of clubs, such as Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Brownies, are asked to wear their uniform. 

In preparation for Remembrance Day, students created some poppy art. Here are some pictures of our finished piece. Please ask your child how they created their masterpiece. 


  • Library Book Exchange is TOMORROW! 
  • Picture orders are due November 8. Please ensure you let us know if you would like retakes. 
  • Nov 8 School Council Meeting 6:30 – 8:30pm (all parents welcome)
  • Nov 10 Remembrance Day Ceremony 10:30 – 11:15 (Our class will be participating in this assembly). Please wear your Guides, Brownies, Beavers or Scouts uniform. 
  • Nov 15 Picture Retake Day
  • Nov 17 PD Day - No school
  • Nov 18 Christmas Market
  • Nov. 20 - National Child Day - Please wear blue for Child's Day
  • Nov. 23 - Poinsettia Orders are due
  • Nov 24 Fun Lunch 11:30 (please order on

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Please continue to practice for the Remembrance Day Assembly. We are hoping that students will be able to recite the poem from memory. Please click HERE for a link to the poem. 

  • Library Book Exchange is TOMORROW! 
  • Picture orders are due November 8. Please ensure you let us know if you would like retakes. 
  • Nov 8 School Council Meeting 6:30 – 8:30pm (all parents welcome)
  • Nov 10 Remembrance Day Ceremony 10:30 – 11:15 (Our class will be participating in this assembly). Please wear your Guides, Brownies, Beavers or Scouts uniform. 
  • Nov 15 Picture Retake Day
  • Nov 17 PD Day - No school
  • Nov 18 Christmas Market
  • Nov. 20 - National Child Day - Please wear blue for Child's Day
  • Nov. 23 - Poinsettia Orders are due
  • Nov 24 Fun Lunch 11:30 (please order on

Monday, November 6, 2017

A.M.A. (Ask Me About)
We are continuing to practice In Flanders Field for the Remembrance Day Assembly. Each student was given a line to start the poem at. Please click HERE for a link to the poem so students can practice the lines at home. 

Last week we worked with some artifacts from Fort Calgary. The artifacts helped us learn more about the Blackfoot community. We noticed that all of the artifacts were made from different animal parts, since in the past there was no access to stores to buy items and the Blackfoot people created their items from natural resources. What can your child tell you about the different artifacts we learned about? What are they called and how were they used? 

    • Library Book Exchange is TOMORROW! 
    • Picture orders are due November 8. Please ensure you let us know if you would like retakes. 
    • Nov 8 School Council Meeting 6:30 – 8:30pm (all parents welcome)
    • Nov 10 Remembrance Day Ceremony 10:30 – 11:15 (Our class will be participating in this assembly). Please wear your Guides, Brownies, Beavers or Scouts uniform. 
    • Nov 15 Picture Retake Day
    • Nov 17 PD Day - No school
    • Nov 18 Christmas Market
    • Nov. 20 - National Child Day - Please wear blue
    • Nov 24 Fun Lunch 11:30 (please order on

    Friday, November 3, 2017

    A.M.A. (Ask Me About)
    We have been busy practicing for our Remembrance Day Assembly next week. We have been talking about peace, what it looks like and what it sounds like. Please ask me what PEACE means to me! 

    We have also been practicing In Flanders Fields.  Please click HERE for a link to the poem so students can practice the lines at home. How have I helped create our class Wall Story for In Flanders Field 
    • Library Book Exchange is every Tuesday. 
    • Picture orders are due November 8. Please ensure you let us know if you would like retakes. 
    • Nov 8 School Council Meeting 6:30 – 8:30pm (all parents welcome)
    • Nov 10 Remembrance Day Ceremony 10:30 – 11:15 (Our class will be participating in this assembly)
    • Nov 15 Picture Retake Day
    • Nov 24 Fun Lunch 11:30 (please order on
    • Nov 17 PD Day - No school
    • Nov 18 Christmas Market

    Thursday, November 2, 2017

    Sorry for the short blog today!
    - Thank you for dressing your children appropriately for the weather! We will try our best to support with ensuring gloves/hats do not go missing. Here is a tip we've taught the students: put your gloves, hat, scarf etc in the arms of your coat! Click here to see the weather station on top of our school :

    Coming home today: Yearbooks for those who order last year :)

    Picture orders came home yesterday - please let us know if your child requires retakes :) Orders are due by Wednesday November 8th!

    Tomorrow is our first movie night for the year! 

    • Library Book Exchange is each Tuesday
    • Read on Raz-Kids or home-reading
    • Picture orders are due November 8
      • Please let me know if you would like retakes :)

    • Nov 8 School Council Meeting 6:30 – 8:30pm (all parents welcome)
    • Nov 10 Remembrance Day Ceremony 10:30 – 11:15 (Our class will be participating in this assembly)
    • Nov 15 Picture Retake Day
    • Nov 24 Fun Lunch 11:30 (please order on
    • Nov 17 PD Day - No school
    • Nov 18 Christmas Market

    Wednesday, November 1, 2017

    Picture proof's came home today!! Order online or send the money to school! If you would like retakes please indicate so on the order form. Students will not have retakes unless we are informed as new pictures replace old pictures.

    Mrs. Jane Mah came in to work with our students again today. She talked about how we are expected to show we are listening - ask me what I do with my eyes, ears, mouth, hands, feet, body, brain and heart!

    We also talked about different scenarios of when students are making expected and unexpected choices as well as how they feel during this time - comfortable or uncomfortable. We sorted the two behaviours. Here are some examples we worked with.

    • Library Book Exchange is each Tuesday
    • Read on Raz-Kids or home-reading
    • Nov 8 School Council Meeting 6:30 – 8:30pm (all parents welcome)
    • Nov 10 Remembrance Day Ceremony 10:30 – 11:15 (Our class will be participating in this assembly)
    • Nov 15 Picture Retake Day
    • Nov 24 Fun Lunch 11:30 (please order on
    • Nov 17 PD Day - No school
    • Nov 18 Christmas Market - see post from yesterday