
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

A.M.A. (Ask Me About)
We have been working on re-telling the main events of the story and what we learned, if possible, from this book. With new library books coming home, please ask your child to re-tell the main events. 

We have also been learning about Medicine Wheels and how they connect to the land. Please ask your child what the 4 quadrants of the Medicine wheel represent? Hints to include are: What colour? What season? What stage of life? What direction?

Message from the Office
Hello Parents & Guardians,

Please disregard this message if it does not apply to you.  Your child will be bringing home an invoice for any outstanding school fees you may have.  These fees can be paid online using your MY CBE account.

Please feel free to contact the office if you have any questions.

  • Nov. 23 - Poinsettia Orders are due
  • Nov. 24 - Fun Lunch at 11:30
  • Nov. 28 & 29 - Toonie Popcorn Day
  • Dec. 1 - Movie Day
  • Dec. 8 - PD Day