
Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Picture Retakes are taking place this Wednesday, November 15th. If you would like retakes, please email me at Only those who have requested retakes will get them, as the retake photo will replace the initial photo. 

A.M.A. (Ask Me About)
- We are working on counting forwards and backwards by different amounts on hundreds charts and number lines. We are also working on counting on. How can I count on from any number?
- We learned a game called Race to 100. How do I play Race to 100? 

See some of our work from Race to 100 below:

Click HERE to check out the Alberta At-A-Glance Mathematics for what students are working on in math :)

  • Nov 15 Picture Retake Day
  • Nov. 16 Scholastic Book Orders are Due
  • Nov 17 PD Day - No school
  • Nov 18 Christmas Market
  • Nov. 20 - National Child Day - Please wear blue for Child's Day
  • Nov. 23 - Poinsettia Orders are due
  • Nov. 24 Fun Lunch 11:30 (please order on
  • Nov. 28 & 29 Toonie Popcorn Day
  • Dec. 1 Movie Day
  • Dec. 8 PD Day