
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Picture proof's came home today!! Order online or send the money to school! If you would like retakes please indicate so on the order form. Students will not have retakes unless we are informed as new pictures replace old pictures.

Mrs. Jane Mah came in to work with our students again today. She talked about how we are expected to show we are listening - ask me what I do with my eyes, ears, mouth, hands, feet, body, brain and heart!

We also talked about different scenarios of when students are making expected and unexpected choices as well as how they feel during this time - comfortable or uncomfortable. We sorted the two behaviours. Here are some examples we worked with.

  • Library Book Exchange is each Tuesday
  • Read on Raz-Kids or home-reading
  • Nov 8 School Council Meeting 6:30 – 8:30pm (all parents welcome)
  • Nov 10 Remembrance Day Ceremony 10:30 – 11:15 (Our class will be participating in this assembly)
  • Nov 15 Picture Retake Day
  • Nov 24 Fun Lunch 11:30 (please order on
  • Nov 17 PD Day - No school
  • Nov 18 Christmas Market - see post from yesterday