
Thursday, January 11, 2018

We are still hoping for ONE more volunteer for our Fort Calgary field trip on Wednesday, January 17. If you have CBE clearance and would like to join us, please email me at Thank you :)

Please click HERE to see our January 2018 Newsletter!!

A.M.A. (Ask Me About)
- Why do we make connections when reading?
- What parts of our brain do we make connections to? 
- How am I doing with skipping (in P.E.)?

Student Led Conferences are Jan. 25, 2018, and Jan. 26, 2018. These conferences are a wonderful opportunity for students to share their learning with you! Each hour, a maximum of 4 students can be booked into the classroom as there will be various learning stations set up for parents to tour.  Click HERE to book a conference time under my maiden name, Sara Laslo.

Opportunities to speak with me will also be part of that hour. If you prefer to have a private conversation, please email me at to arrange a different time.  

Jan. 15- Field trip forms DUE
Jan. 16 - Book Orders Due
Jan. 17 - Fort Calgary Fieldtrip. We NEED VOLUNTEERS! Please email me if you can come. 
Jan. 18 - Popcorn Day! 
Jan. 22 Kindergarten Registration Opens
Jan. 25 - Student Led Conferences from 3:30 to 7:30. Please click HERE to sign up under my maiden name, Sara Laslo. 
Jan. 26 - Student Led Conferences from 8:00 to 12:00. Please click HERE to sign up under my maiden name, Sara Laslo.   
Jan. 29 - No School - PD Day

Check us out on Twitter @KenTaylorYYCBE