
Friday, January 12, 2018

Reminder: Field trip forms are due Monday!

A.M.A. (Ask Me About)
- What experiment did we begin in science today? What was my question? What was my prediction? 
- What makes a number odd? What makes a number even? How do you know?
Here are some Odd/Even learning games to reinforce your child's skills.

Student Led Conferences are Jan. 25, 2018, and Jan. 26, 2018. These conferences are a wonderful opportunity for students to share their learning with you! Each hour a maximum of 4 students can be booked into the classroom as there will be various learning stations set up for parents to visit. Click HERE to book a conference time under my maiden name, Sara Laslo.

Opportunities to speak with me will also be part of that hour. If you prefer to have a private conversation, please email me at to arrange a different time.  

Jan. 15- Field trip forms DUE
Jan. 16 - Book Orders Due
Jan. 17 - Fort Calgary Fieldtrip. We NEED VOLUNTEERS! Please email me if you can come. 
Jan. 18 - Popcorn Day! 
Jan. 22 Kindergarten Registration Opens
Jan. 25 - Student Led Conferences from 3:30 to 7:30. Please click HERE to sign up under my maiden name, Sara Laslo. 
Jan. 26 - Student Led Conferences from 8:00 to 12:00. Please click HERE to sign up under my maiden name, Sara Laslo.   
Jan. 29 - No School - PD Day

Check us out on Twitter @KenTaylorYYCBE