
Friday, September 29, 2017

Hello Parents/Guardians,

The office has sent out an email today at 11:35 am with the subject heading “Weekly Dispatch ”.   If you have not received this email it indicates you have not subscribed to receive non-commercial emails from Ken Taylor School and the CBE.  Please follow the attached link in order to subscribe and stay informed.

We had an awesome day! Students participated in our Terry Fox Assembly showcasing examples of how we show H.E.A.R.T! For those who did not have the opportunity to share during this assembly, we enjoyed some time outside planting different succulents and warming up for our Terry Fox Walk/Run. We will have more opportunities to share our learning in assemblies throughout the year! 

Watch our running feet HERE

Home Reading came home today! Please take some time to review the information in the pink envelop and read the included book with your child. Please ensure you complete the Home Reading Log, providing some feedback on how your child did reading their book. 

Thank you for sending in Toonies For Terry, as well as wearing orange shirts to honour Phyllis in support of the 'Every Child Matters' foundation.

View the October Newsletter here

Coming Up:

- Oct. 9 No School - Happy Thanksgiving
- Oct. 11 - School Council Meeting 6:30-8:30
- Oct. 16 No School - PD Day
- Oct. 18 - Picture Day
- Oct. 31 - Happy Halloween

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Today students learned a little bit more about Phyllis' story. We connected how Terry Fox and Phyllis show the HEART values that the Ken Taylor Ambassadors are working on. Ask your child: What do the letters in H.E.A.R.T. stand for? How can you show H.E.A.R.T. at school? At home?

Tomorrow is Orange Shirt Day & Terry Fox Run! 

Please remember to bring a Toonie for Terry tomorrow. 

Parents are welcome to tomorrow's assembly and run! Some students will be presenting! Come watch at 10:45 and the run begins at 11:15. 

Please send some super snacks for the children to eat as we don't want super full bellies during the run. 

Early dismissal at noon tomorrow! 

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Hello Parents and Guardians

Ken Taylor offers noon supervision to all of our Grades 1-4 students.  In order for your child to be eligible for this service you must register using your My CBE account.   Please be sure to register for the 4 day week service for $255.00. 

If you do not register for noon supervision your child will need to be picked up over the noon hour. If your child rides the bus you will also need to register for bus service and pay the bussing fee of $355 for the school year.  When you register your child for the bus service they will  automatically be registered for noon supervision and both fees will apply.

Any family needing a waiver is encouraged to apply to the City of Calgary Fair Entry Program to prove income for a CBE waiver, as well as access other benefits of the program. This is optional for families and the CBE will will continue to accept other approved documents as proof of income.  Please visit our CBE website for more details 

If you have already registered for noon supervision please disregard this information.

If you would like to order Healthy Hunger Lunch, please click on the picture below! 

Friday is Orange Shirt Day & Terry Fox Run! 

- Scholastic Books Orders due Thursday, Sept. 28th

- Home Reading coming home this week!

- RAZkids passwords will be coming home in the next few weeks. 

- Please remember your Toonies for Terry on Friday! 

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Friday is Orange Shirt Day & Terry Fox Run! 

Don't forget to wear your orange shirt ad bring in your toonies for Terry! 

- Scholastic Books Orders due Thursday, Sept. 28th

- Home Reading coming home this week!

- RAZkids passwords will be coming home in the next few weeks. 

Friday, September 22, 2017

Dear Parents, 
Thank you so much for coming to our Parent Teacher Student Conferences. It was a pleasure to meet you and learn more about how I can best support your child this year! Along the side of the blog, I have added links for the First and Second 100 Fry Word Lists. Thank you for all your support at home to help them with their learning at school :)

- Library Book Exchange is Tuesday morning. 

- Scholastic Books Orders due Sept. 28th

- Friday, Sept. 29 Orange Shirt Day & Terry Fox Run/Walk

- Home Reading coming home this week!

- RAZkids passwords will be coming home in the next few weeks. 

Hello Parents/Guardians,

The office has sent out an email today at 10:00 am with the subject heading “Weekly Dispatch Sept 25-29”.   If you have not received this email it indicates you have not subscribed to receive non-commercial emails from Ken Taylor School and the CBE.  Please follow the attached link in order to subscribe and stay informed.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Reminders for the end of the week...
  • No School Friday due to conferences.
  • No School Monday due to PD Day.
  • Book fair this week! Purchasing opportunities Thursday and Friday during conferences! 
  • Please return the ADmazing book order forms at your convenience.
  • Scholastic Book Orders due September 28, 2017. 

Monday, September 18, 2017

Why I Love Alberta!

Today we read the story, Why I Love Alberta, a story written by children from Alberta! We connected the story with our learning about the different regions of Alberta. Ask me what some of them are!

*the main regions we have focused on are the mountains, forest and grasslands/prairies.

We noticed how the illustrator of the book incorporated each of the regions throughout the story! Here are some examples. 

Please discuss the region, the animals, and any other things your child notices...

Reminders for the week...
  • Thursday evening and Friday during the day is Parent Teacher Conferences. Please click HERE to book a time to meet with me!
    • Please note: I am listed under Sara Laslo as my married name change has not come through yet. 
  • No School Friday due to conferences
  • Book fair this week!
  • Please return the ADmazing book order forms at your convenience

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Welcome Back!

Dear Parents, 

Welcome back, and what a fabulous start to our school year! I am excited for this opportunity to begin at Kenneth D. Taylor school and for the opportunity to work with each of your children! It is going to be a year full of fun, learning and adventures. You will find lots of information on our classroom blog, so please check it regularly. 

Weekly Highlights
We worked collaboratively to create expectations for our classroom. We began by reading Back-To-School Rules then got to use markers and chart paper to share what we thought was really important to creating a positive classroom community. 

In Literacy, students have begun learning strategies to use when they are unsure of how to spell a word during writing activities. We have been practicing using the GUM-IT strategy (guess - sound it out, underline it, move on), and how to use our personal dictionaries. We also had an opportunity to read with a partner from our personal 'Books I'm Learning' bags. 

In Math, we have been learning about 2D shapes. Students have been experimenting with new vocabulary to describe shapes, including edges and corners (or vertices). We also completed a scavenger hunt for circles, triangle, squares and rectangles. We are becoming experts at finding these shapes and would love the chance to find some to show you at home! 

We began Social Studies by looking at Canada! Using Google Earth, we located and learned how Canada is split into provinces and territories. We were able to use our 'birds eye view' to see Alberta and Calgary, even exploring local places within Calgary, such as Kenneth D. Taylor School, the Calgary Zoo, The Bow building and even some of our parents work places! 

We look forward to sharing even more highlights with you throughout the year on our blog! 

Important Dates for September

  • Sept. 21 & 22 Student, Parent Teacher Conferences - Please click HERE to book a time to come in. (No school for students Sept 22)
    • Please note: As my married name change has not come through yet, please book conferences under my maiden name Sara Laslo.
  • Sept. 25 Non-Instructional Day 
  • Sept. 29 Orange Shirt Day & Terry Fox Run/Walk
Back to School Notes
  • Early dismissal every Friday at noon. Please continue to send a lunch with your child on these days as we will give them an opportunity to eat while they learn!
  • We strongly encourage students to bring a water bottle to school with them every day. These can stay at school each day and will be sent home each Friday to be washed.
  • As Calgary's weather changes quickly, it is important to dress for varying weather conditions. We recommend dressing in layers so students are able to adapt as needed. For example, a t-shirt, sweater and water resistant jacket for this weeks varying weather. 
  • We strongly discourage students from bringing toys and precious belongings, such as stuffies, to school as they may get lost or broken. 

Looking forward to a wonderful year in Grade 2!


- Mrs. Scherschel