
Monday, September 18, 2017

Why I Love Alberta!

Today we read the story, Why I Love Alberta, a story written by children from Alberta! We connected the story with our learning about the different regions of Alberta. Ask me what some of them are!

*the main regions we have focused on are the mountains, forest and grasslands/prairies.

We noticed how the illustrator of the book incorporated each of the regions throughout the story! Here are some examples. 

Please discuss the region, the animals, and any other things your child notices...

Reminders for the week...
  • Thursday evening and Friday during the day is Parent Teacher Conferences. Please click HERE to book a time to meet with me!
    • Please note: I am listed under Sara Laslo as my married name change has not come through yet. 
  • No School Friday due to conferences
  • Book fair this week!
  • Please return the ADmazing book order forms at your convenience