
Friday, September 29, 2017

Hello Parents/Guardians,

The office has sent out an email today at 11:35 am with the subject heading “Weekly Dispatch ”.   If you have not received this email it indicates you have not subscribed to receive non-commercial emails from Ken Taylor School and the CBE.  Please follow the attached link in order to subscribe and stay informed.

We had an awesome day! Students participated in our Terry Fox Assembly showcasing examples of how we show H.E.A.R.T! For those who did not have the opportunity to share during this assembly, we enjoyed some time outside planting different succulents and warming up for our Terry Fox Walk/Run. We will have more opportunities to share our learning in assemblies throughout the year! 

Watch our running feet HERE

Home Reading came home today! Please take some time to review the information in the pink envelop and read the included book with your child. Please ensure you complete the Home Reading Log, providing some feedback on how your child did reading their book. 

Thank you for sending in Toonies For Terry, as well as wearing orange shirts to honour Phyllis in support of the 'Every Child Matters' foundation.

View the October Newsletter here

Coming Up:

- Oct. 9 No School - Happy Thanksgiving
- Oct. 11 - School Council Meeting 6:30-8:30
- Oct. 16 No School - PD Day
- Oct. 18 - Picture Day
- Oct. 31 - Happy Halloween