
Friday, June 15, 2018

Dear Parents,

Please notice the Year-End Assembly scheduled for 8:30 on June 27th. Mrs. Buonomo has prepared our classes to perform a short piece using our DrumFit drums to Mozart! If you are available to come watch us, we would love to have you! Please also note that this is a half day - we will finish at 12. Report cards will also come home that day.

As we prepare for the summer, we will be posting some summer ideas to keep the connection between school and home over the break. Often teachers notice some regression at the beginning of the school year, so we will suggest some activities for reading, writing and numeracy, to support with having less of a gap over the summer. Look for that blog post next week!

Students were tasked with a huge job this morning! See their task below...
Our brilliant students brainstormed some helpful tools to use to help them accept Mr. Dyck's challenge.

Students had to:

1. Sketch the classroom
2. Decide on a measuring tool
3. Estimate how many it would take to measure both the length and the width of the classroom
4. Measure the classroom, accurately, and document your findings!

Here are some pictures of students engaged in the process....

June 18
June 19
June 20
June 21
June 22

Aboriginal Day

Popcorn Day!
Grade 4 Send On Assembly @ 8:30

Half Day
June 25
June 26
June 27
June 28
June 29
Sports Day
1 - 215

Send a hat & water bottle

Last day of school

Half Day

Year End Assembly @ 8:30 - We're performing!!!
No school – Appeals day
Summer Break

Follow us @KenTaylorYYCBE and @MrsSimBrar