
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

To help support our learning with addition at school, please have your children play these learning games throughout the week.
1. Double Digit Addition
2. Place Value Game
3. Build Addition Skills
4. Base Ten Fun

We continued to learn about Nunavut, focusing on the capital of Iqaluit. We compared their capital, to the capital of Alberta, Edmonton. Please ask your child. How are the two cities the same? How are the two cities different?
Iqaluit                                                Edmonton

  • March 14 - School Council meeting (6:30 - 8) Grade 2 team is presenting! :)
  • March 15, 16, 19 - our class is skating! Helmets are welcome but not required.
  • March 16 is Subway Fun Lunch
  • March 22 - Half day and Last day of classes before Spring Break!
  • April 3 - Return from Spring Break
Don't forget to check us out on Twitter @KenTaylorYYCBE