
Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Reminder for Tomorrow!
 We will be celebrating valentines day tomorrow with H.E.A.R.T activities. If you would like to have your child send valentines day cards to their peers, please see the note sent home end of January to ensure each child receives a card. Thank you for not sending treats for the entire class, but instead, one special treat for your child!

What an exciting first day of snowshoeing! Thank you for sending your child with the appropriate winter gear. We will continue to snowshoe tomorrow and next week! Click the picture to watch a quick video of our experience. Enjoy!

Please ask your child:
How do you put on a snowshoe?
How did it feel to walk in the snow?
What was the hardest part?
What was the easiest part?
What was your favourite part?

  • Feb 14 - Wear red and gold to show your heart and for Chinese New Year 
  • Feb 14 - Valentines Celebration with Literacy Activities (see letter that came home end of Jan)
  • Feb 15/16 - No School - Teacher's Convention
  • Feb 16 - Happy Chinese New Year!
  • Feb 19 - Last day to order fun lunch (
  • Feb 19 - No School - Family Day
  • Feb 23 - Fun Lunch & Flex Friday
  • Feb 28 - Pink Shirt Day
  • Mar 2 - Movie Night - Captain Underpants

Don't forget to check us out on Twitter @KenTaylorYYCBE & @MrsSimBrar