
Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Today we began brainstorming for our insulation challenge!! Here is a reminder of what our challenge is about:

Students in grade two are helping Mrs. Brar and Mrs. Scherschel keep their icy cold smoothie from melting! Our brilliant students have accepted the task of designing a container to help keep her smoothie from melting as quickly. 

Individually, students had a chance to brainstorm some ideas they may have. Then, with a partner, students shared some of their ideas, keeping in mind some of the materials we have already gathered (THANK YOU FOR DONATING THESE!) Please ask your child: what are some ideas they have?

We're looking forward to building the containers later this week :)

Please ask your child: What does insulation mean?

Coming home today:
Our classes are inline skating on March 15, 16 and 19, but we need permission for your child to participate! Please see the form sent home today and return it at your earliest convenience.

Also coming home, a fundraiser to turn your child's art into a calendar, card or other interesting items.

Click HERE to view the March 2018 Newsletter
  • Mar 1 - Popcorn Day
  • Mar 2 - Assembly - Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Schrattner & Mrs. Krahn's classrooms are presenting (830 - 915) All parents welcome.
  • Mar 2 - Movie Night - Captain Underpants
Don't forget to check us out on Twitter @KenTaylorYYCBE & @MrsSimBrar

Monday, February 26, 2018

    Students practiced reading the wall story today and pointed out all of the adjectives. Today, we also learned about nouns and verbs. please review the definitions below and have your child identify at least one of each in the reading of the wall story below.

Click HERE to watch us read the wall story. 
Click HERE to see our last post to include pictures of the wall story.

We also did some brainstorming for another setting: a rain forest! Here is how we brainstormed - using our senses! Click HERE to see and hear the inspiration for our brainstorming. Wait for blog posts ahead to see how we took these ideas to make them into a story!

  • Feb 27 - Scholastic Book Order Due & Mrs. Brar away at Math Cohort Meeting
  • Feb 28 - Pink Shirt Day and Popcorn Day
  • Mar 1 - Popcorn Day
  • Mar 2 - Assembly - Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Schrattner & Mrs. Krahn's classrooms are presenting (830 - 915) All parents welcome.
  • Mar 2 - Movie Night - Captain Underpants
Don't forget to check us out on Twitter @KenTaylorYYCBE & @MrsSimBrar

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Example of what students can bring!
The final date for students to bring in materials for our insulation project is tomorrow, Friday, February 23! At this moment, we do not have very much! 

We continue to look for:
   - aluminum foil
   - plastic
   - newspaper
   - cling wrap
   - wax paper
   - cardboard
   - bubble wrap
   - any thing else you think may be a good insulator!

Please note, we are not asking families to purchase these items, but rather, gather items they are willing to part with from around the house. As well, you do not have to create the container, rather just gather household items from home that may support us in our creations.

Thank you for supporting our learning! 

A.M.A. (Ask Me About)
- Our new wall story! What story element were we focused on (ie: character, settings, problem, solution)? What adjectives can I identify to you? How did I contribute to our wall story? Based on our description, can you guess what our settings is? 

Feb. 23 - Fun Lunch
Feb. 27 - Scholastic Book Order Due
Feb. 28 - Pink Shirt Day
Mar. 2 - Movie Night - Captain Underpants

Check us out on Twitter @KenTaylorYYCBE 

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Thank you for supporting our learning by completing the parent/student interview! We will review the responses over the next couple of days. If you have not done so already, please support your child in logging into their email and answering the questions about how your homes are heated.

We are continuing to gather materials for our insulation project. Please note, you do not have to create the container, rather just gather household items from home that may support us in our creations. We continue to look for:

  1.  - aluminum foil
  2. - plastic
  3. - newspaper
  4. - cling wrap
  5. - wax paper
  6. - cardboard
  7. - bubble wrap
  8. - any thing else you think may be a good insulator! 
Please note, we are not asking families to purchase these items, but rather, gather items they are willing to part with from around the house. We will be collecting items from Tuesday, February 20th until Friday, February 23rd. Thank you for supporting our learning! 

Today we continued our exploration about different insulators. Students had the opportunity to explore a variety of common insulators. They had to decide if it was meant to keep the heat in, or the cold in. In groups of 3, students shared how they thought these items kept the heat in or the cold in. Please find some items at home that keep the cold in and those that keep the heat in! How do they work?

Here are some of the items we explored and discussed...
  • Jacket
  • Lunch Kit
  • Ice Pack
  • Coffee Mug
  • Blanket
  • Animal Fur
  • House Insulation
  • Toque and Mitts
  • Refrigerator
  • Stove
  • Fire Place
Feb. 23 - Fun Lunch
Feb. 27 - Scholastic Book Order Due
Feb. 28 - Pink Shirt Day
Mar. 2 - Movie Night - Captain Underpants

Check us out on Twitter @KenTaylorYYCBE 

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Homework for the extra long weekend!

1. Students are coming home with their CBE email information. Students have been sent questions that they have been instructed to ask you. We are beginning to learn more about heating systems and would like to kick it off by having students learn more about these systems within their homes. We will bring back this information after the break and share our learning. Please support your child with accessing their email and filling out the questions being asked. Thank you for supporting our learning!

2. We need your help! Students in grade two are helping Mrs. Brar and Mrs. Scherschel keep their icy cold smoothie from melting! Our brilliant students have accepted the task of designing a container to help keep her smoothie from melting as quickly. To help them with this task, we are asking families to send in common household items such as: 
   - aluminum foil
   - plastic
   - newspaper
   - cling wrap
   - wax paper
   - cardboard
   - bubble wrap
   - anything else you think may be a good insulator! 

Please note, we are not asking families to purchase these items, but rather, gather items they are willing to part with from around the house. We will be collecting items from Tuesday, February 20th until Friday, February 23rd. Thank you for supporting our learning! 

A.M.A. (Ask Me About)
- Today we were challenged to create a heart using the pieces of a tangram. How did I find the challenge? How do you create a heart with the pieces?
- What different games have I been learning during Cultural Games?
- What is the difference between a compliment and a triple star compliment? 
- What was it like playing tag using snowshoes? Was it easier? Harder? Why? 

Happy Chinese New Year to those celebrating this weekend! Wishing you good luck in the new year!

Feb. 15 & 16 - No School - Teacher's Convention
Feb. 19 - No School - Family Day
Feb. 23 - Fun Lunch
Feb. 28 - Pink Shirt Day

Check us out on Twitter @KenTaylorYYCBE 

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Reminder for Tomorrow!
 We will be celebrating valentines day tomorrow with H.E.A.R.T activities. If you would like to have your child send valentines day cards to their peers, please see the note sent home end of January to ensure each child receives a card. Thank you for not sending treats for the entire class, but instead, one special treat for your child!

What an exciting first day of snowshoeing! Thank you for sending your child with the appropriate winter gear. We will continue to snowshoe tomorrow and next week! Click the picture to watch a quick video of our experience. Enjoy!

Please ask your child:
How do you put on a snowshoe?
How did it feel to walk in the snow?
What was the hardest part?
What was the easiest part?
What was your favourite part?

  • Feb 14 - Wear red and gold to show your heart and for Chinese New Year 
  • Feb 14 - Valentines Celebration with Literacy Activities (see letter that came home end of Jan)
  • Feb 15/16 - No School - Teacher's Convention
  • Feb 16 - Happy Chinese New Year!
  • Feb 19 - Last day to order fun lunch (
  • Feb 19 - No School - Family Day
  • Feb 23 - Fun Lunch & Flex Friday
  • Feb 28 - Pink Shirt Day
  • Mar 2 - Movie Night - Captain Underpants

Don't forget to check us out on Twitter @KenTaylorYYCBE & @MrsSimBrar

Monday, February 12, 2018

       Snowshoeing reminder!
Grade twos are being given the unique opportunity to snowshoe this and next week. If you have not done so already, please sign and return the form sent home last week. Please also ensure your child is wearing appropriate clothing.

Please ask your child some of the things they learned about snowshoes and what they must do to ensure they are being safe.

We will be snowshoeing tomorrow!!

A.M.A. (Ask Me About)
We have been learning about oral health and why it is so important to brush our teeth, at least, twice a day. Today students learned more about WHY, WHEN and HOW they should brush their teeth. Please ask your child to share their thoughts with you on each of these questions.Please support your child with reviewing this helpful checklist. Feel free to print it out and have your child sort the activities in order.

Here is some of our instructional writing on how we brush our teeth. Can you give us some feedback on what steps we're missing? Where can we be more clear?

Feb. 13 - Mardi Gras Day - wear yellow, green and purple
Feb. 14 - Valentine's Celebration with Literacy Activities
             - Red and Gold Day
Feb. 15 & 16 - No School - Teacher's Convention
Feb. 19 - No School - Family Day
Feb. 23 - Fun Lunch
Feb. 28 - Pink Shirt Day

Check us out on Twitter @KenTaylorYYCBE 

Friday, February 9, 2018

A letter came home today outlining an opportunity for Grade Two students to try snowshoeing over the next two weeks. If you would like your child to participate in this fun and free opportunity, please sign and return the BLUE form by Tuesday. Please see your email for more information - a school messenger was sent this afternoon.

A.M.A. (Ask Me About)
- Today we talked about our HEART value Truthfulness. We read some stories, such as Howard B. Wigglebottom and the Monkey on His Back. We also did a Rev Up for the words Truth and Lying. What are some of the other words we learned? 

Feb. 12 - Olympic Flag Day - wear your countries flag colours OR red and white for Canada
Feb. 13 - Mardi Gras Day - wear yellow, green and purple
Feb. 14 - Valentine's Celebration with Literacy Activities
             - Red and Gold Day
Feb. 15 & 16 - No School - Teacher's Convention
Feb. 19 - No School - Family Day
Feb. 23 - Fun Lunch
Feb. 28 - Pink Shirt Day

Check us out on Twitter @KenTaylorYYCBE 

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Please help your child dress in the colours of the country you would like to represent to celebrate the olympics! 

Constable Johnson came to visit our classes today! He shared some of the tools he uses to help him do his job. He also talked about some of the inside qualities about himself that help him do his job each day! After reading the story, I Like Myself, students brainstormed some of their inside qualities that are special and some of their outside qualities that they like. For example, some students said they were kind - that is an inside quality. The same student liked her long hair - outside quality. Here are some pictures from his visit.

Please ask your child: what did you learn from Cst. Johnson?


  • Feb 14 - Valentines Celebration with Literacy Activities (see letter that came home end of Jan)
  • Feb 15/16 - No School - Teacher's Convention
  • Feb 16 - Happy Chinese New Year!
  • Feb 19 - No School - Family Day
  • Feb 23 - Fun Lunch (
  • Feb 28 - Pink Shirt Day

Don't forget to check us out on Twitter @KenTaylorYYCBE