
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Dear Families,
Thank you so much for coming to our Student Led Conferences! It was great to talk with you and I enjoy working and learning with your children each day!


Coming home tomorrow: Student names for Valentines day cards! We will be celebrating Valentines day on February 14. Students in room 152 and 153 work in a collaborative learning community. This means they work with students from both classes on a daily basis. Because of this, we are asking students who wish to bring valentines day cards, for both sets of classes. Coming home today is a list of students in Both classes (42 children). Please note, participation is completely optional. Thank you for your support in encouraging a collaborative learning community!

A.M.A. (Ask Me About)
- We started Cup Stacking in Phys Ed to work on our hand eye coordination. Cup Stacking involves using both sides of the brain - making them work together and use both hands for stacking. Ask your child: What is an upstack? What is a downstack? What is a rule we learned about Cup Stacking Today? How many cups did they use to build a stack?

Feb. 2 - Movie Night - Coco - Doors open at 6:15, movie starts at 7
Feb. 14 - Valentine's Celebration with Literacy Activities
Feb. 15 & 16 - No School - Teacher's Convention
Feb. 19 - No School - Family Day
Feb. 23 - Fun Lunch
Feb. 28 - Pink Shirt Day

Check us out on Twitter @KenTaylorYYCBE