
Thursday, October 26, 2017

Yesterday we had Jane Mah, a Speech Pathologist from Alberta Health Services, come speak to our children about expected and unexpected choices. Using resources from the Social Detective series, (click here to read the book) Jane discussed what happens when you make an unexpected choice, and what happens when you make expected ones! Please use these pictures as discussion points with your child tonight.

Thank you to all of those families that donated to Jacket Racket!

  • If you wish to donate to our school playground fund, please look at the paper sent home last week. 
  • Home reading should be done each night, however you do not have to return it every day. Multiple readings of the same book are strongly encouraged! 

  • Oct 26 - Popcorn day!
  • Oct 31st Happy Halloween (We will be having a Halloween parade of costumes through the classrooms in the afternoon. If your child chooses to bring their Halloween costume to school – please make it one that they can change into without a lot of adult support. If you would like to send an extra treat along with your child for the afternoon – please make it a healthy one.)
  • Nov 8 School Council Meeting 6:30 – 8:30pm (all parents welcome)
  • Nov 10 Remembrance Day Ceremony 10:30 – 11:15 (Our class will be participating in this assembly)
  • Nov 15 Picture Retake Day
  • Nov 24 Fun Lunch 11:30 (please order on
  • Nov 17 PD Day - No school
  • Nov 18 Christmas Market at our school (pictures with Santa available) (Join us for some Christmas shopping and fun family activities! We are still looking for vendors for this event. Please email for more information)

Pumpkin Give Away, BBQ and More

Hello Parents of Ken Taylor, your community Sobeys is hosting their Annual Pumpkin Giveaway, BBQ & Mini Pumpkin Decorating Contest and they want to help raise money for our playground! As you might know, they just gave our school a cheque for $1,128 for various fundraisers they have done on our behalf this past year and want to help us again. The pumpkin give away is also in partnership with The Joy of Real Estate. Please help us spread the word of this event and show your support this weekend. Check out the attached flyer and our FB page, details of the event are as follows. 

Saturday, October 28
Noon - 2pm @ Evanston Sobeys
*if you wish to register for the contest, please visit Sobeys Customer Service right away

If you have any questions on this message or any other School Council activities please email 

Kenneth D Taylor School Council